Motorized Rescue Boat Operator

Course: Motorized Rescue Boat Operator

Prerequisite(s): Swiftwater Rescue Technician 1

Who Course is For: Rescue personnel who handle motorized boats in swiftwater and/or flood environments.

Additional Courses you might be interested in:

Swiftwater Rescue Technician 1, Swiftwater Rescue Technician Advanced, Technical Rope Rescue

Flood Rescue Boat Operator

Flood Rescue Boat Operator is a course starts with an online pre-class component and gets real world practice during two days of throttle time. Students are exposed to a number of topics including types of motorized boats suitable for water rescue, boat handling on still or slowly moving water, crew roles, boat safety and problem solving. Techniques are then put to work doing searches in flood environments, stranded victim and in-water retrieval, and rescue of conscious and unconscious persons. To meet the NIMS standard for Rescue Boat Operations, students must take Flood Rescue Boat Operator in conjunction with Swiftwater Rescue Boat Operator or take the 5 day NIMS Rescue Boat Operator course.


Swiftwater Rescue Boat Operator

During the course students gain experience reading moving water and operating boats in current. Using both a motor and paddles, students will practice such skills as use and avoidance of hydraulics, ferrying across current, and obstacle navigation will be practiced in class I and II whitewater. Students then progress to operating both up and down stream in class III and above whitewater. Other exercises include night operation scenarios and multiple boat operations.

To meet the NIMS standard for Rescue Boat Operations, students must take Swiftwater Rescue Boat Operator in conjunction with Flood Rescue Boat Operator or take the 5 day NIMS Rescue Boat Operator course.


NIMS Rescue Boat Operator

The NIMS Rescue Boat Operator program combines all of the skills learned in the Flood Rescue Boat Operator and Swiftwater Rescue Boat Operator courses. Students will learn to handle boats in both flat and moving water (class III), as well as how to perform rescues safely and effectively in both environments. This course is designed to meet the needs of agencies who wish to comply with the FEMA team typing requirements or work in conjunction with other agencies and departments during national disasters.