Technical Animal Rescue Courses

Course: Technical Animal Rescue Courses
Prerequisite(s): 18 years of age, Adequate health insurance coverage, In good physical condition
Who Course is For: Rescue Professionals and Animal Rescue Professionals
Additional Courses you might be interested in:
Swiftwater Rescue Technician 1, Swiftwater Rescue Technician Advanced, Technical Rope Rescue
Technical Animal Rescue is a new and dynamic field of technical rescue. Technical Animal Rescue Courses are for rescue professionals, animal rescue professionals and other interested members of the public. These courses are specifically designed to meet the needs of agencies that work in disaster areas where animals are present.
Our classes address the specific needs of agency personnel, whether trained swiftwater and technical rope technicians, but not as familiar with animals: or folks trained in animal rescue; but not familiar with the swiftwater and flood environment.
Our TAR series meets FEMA and NFPA requirements and are certified through Rescue 3 International. We recommend these classes to Fire Departments, SAR teams, Sheriffs, Highway Patrol officiers, animal rescue groups and animal lovers who want to be safe and reliable members of the community in times of flood or disaster.
(TAR) Technical Animal Rescue
This course incorporates water and flood rescue techniques with animal behavior to better understand and perform successful animal rescues.
It will provide students with an Operations Level certification in Swiftwater and Flood Rescue. This is the prerequisite for animal rescue workers to be able to enter a flood or swiftwater zone. The rescuer will be trained to participate in shore OR boat based swiftwater rescues that involve animals or humans.
It is an intensive three-day, 24 hour class. It has a half day of classroom instruction followed by two and a half days of developing and practicing animal rescue skills; as well as understanding the swiftwater and flood environment. The initial emphasis is on self rescue and the hazards of the swiftwater environment. This will evolve into an understanding of animal rescue techniques and animal behavior.
Other objectives include an in-depth look at water dynamics, animal handling, using basic rescue equipment, setting up technical rope systems and much more. Information from this course is applicable to anyone confronted with potential animal rescue operations.
A course manual, skill sheet, test, Technical Animal Rescue (TAR-SW) Certificate of Completion, I.D. card are all provided during the class. This class also includes the Rescue 3 Swiftwater Operations certification.
TAR Upgrade: NFPA/FEMA compliant certification
This course if for anyone who is at a minimum of the OPERATIONS level in Swiftwater and Technical Rope Rescue. The prerequisites are either the SRT Unit 1, WRT, or SRT Operations training, as well as an Operations level in Technical Rope Rescue.
This class will focus on animal behavior, rescuer safety, recognizing signs of stress, approach, capture and transport of animals in a disastrous environment. Rescuer safety will be the first priority while working with animals of all sizes. An introduction to restraining devices and basic rigging will be demonstrated.
The class will be a half day of classroom with a half day of scenarios in the afternoon. Live animals will be used.
This class meets the NFPA and FEMA requirements for Technical Animal Rescue for those already at the Technician Level in Swiftwater and Flood Rescue.
(LAR) Large Animal Rescue
his course focuses on the technical rope aspect of animal rescue as it pertains to large animals. The course also has an emphasis on animal behavior and utilizes realistic scenarios to better understand and perform successful animal rescues.
It is an intensive three-day, 24 class. It is a mixed lecture/ experience learning course with lots of hands on practicing of animal rescue skills. Other objectives include an in-depth look at the uses of ropes in technical animal rescue, animal handling, setting up technical rope systems, dealing with loose animals on highways, overturned trailers and other large animal disasters.
A course manual, skill sheet, test, Technical Animal Rescue (TAR-TR) Certificate of Completion, I.D. card are all provided during the class.