Wilderness First Responder Recertification

Course: Wilderness First Responder Recertification
Prerequisite(s): Wilderness First Responder
Who Course is For: Currently certified Wilderness First Responders
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The Wilderness First Responder Recertification is designed to recertify a wilderness first responder certification. We accept Wilderness First Responder certifications from WMI, WMA, WMTC, SOLO, and DMM cards. Any WFR cards issued from another company need to be cleared by Sierra Rescue prior to registration. Students must possess a current WFR card. No exceptions. Our reviews are 75% hands on training. We will focus on general review and bringing students up to date on the most current information. The student must pass the written WFR test and demonstrate good hands on skills to pass the course.
Sierra Rescue presents skills and techniques according to practice guidelines established by the Wilderness Medical Society as outlined in the Wilderness Medical Society Practice Guidelines. Sierra Rescue is not liable if you do not adhere to those standards in a field situation, nor can we authorize you to use the skills presented. Your authorization will need to come from a licensed medical control. This course includes an OSHA Approved CPR certification. Our WFR certs are good for 3 years with no grace period.
Make sure not to let your WFR expire. Six months before your expiration start looking and planning for a course near you. We accept all 3 day in person WFR-recert courses taught by WMA, WMI, WMTC, SOLO, DMM, and AERIE courses. We may accept others, but please check first by emailing us at [email protected]. We only accept in person WFR-recert courses and not WFA/WFR-recert combo courses. We do not accept online courses. If you are taking a course with another company to recertify your WFR and they are not going to give you their card then you need to check with us before you register/take their course to make sure we will accept it. Email us to check at [email protected]