Tag Archives: swiftwater rescue boat operator

Flood Rescue Boat Operator Training for Reno Fire


We were lucky enough to have Reno Fire participate in a Flood Rescue Boat Operator course in Donner Lake last week.  Although there is currently  not enough Swiftwater for a Swiftwater Boat Operator Course; we were able to do some pick-ups and create flood like conditions in some smaller channels on the East Side of the Lake.  The Reno Fire WET team is one of the best trained Fire Department Swiftwater teams, and it is their dedication to training, and the competency of its members that set them apart.  We have been fortunate enough to be part of their Swiftwater Rescue Technician, Swifwater Rescue Technician Advanced, Rescue Swimmer Basic, Rescue Swimmer Advanced, Water Instructor Course; and now the FRBO course.  As always, we appreciate their enthusiasm.  Thanks for a great week from Don, Julie and Randy!  We hope to see them in our SUP Rescue course before next summer begins.