CPR – Adult, Child and Infant

Course: CPR – Adult, Child and Infant
Prerequisite(s): None.
Who Course is For: Outdoor guides, Boy Scouts/leaders, backpackers, hikers, river guides, and folks who spend their time working and playing outside!
Additional Courses you might be interested in:
Wilderness First Aid, Wilderness First Responder, River Rescue Certification
One of the most important goals of this course is to have each participant come away from this training with the confidence and competence to actually perform these skills in an emergency situation. Hands-on practice is one of the most important elements in retention and self-confidence. Each class participant will be given the opportunity to practice the CPR and Airway Obstruction skills they learned about during the class. Each participant will be given their own barrier mask and gloves to protect them from infectious disease. Each person will need to practice the CPR skills demonstrated to receive a certification card. If for any reason they are unable to perform the steps, they may verbally go through the practice steps. You are guaranteed to learn a lot and have a great time! We emphasize hands-on scenarios and practice, so come ready for hands-on learning!
Sierra Rescue presents skills and techniques according to practice guidelines established by the Wilderness Medical Society as outlined in the Wilderness Medical Society Practice Guidelines. Students completing the CPR class will receive an OSHA Approved CPR Card (good for two years).