About Us
Sierra Rescue is committed to providing a quality rescue class based on integrating information into practical skills while developing the ability to think through complicated wilderness and rescue problems. We integrate knowledge into practical field exercises that work on developing judgement as well as providing hands on training. We contract with the best Instructors in the industry to bring you the highest quality trainings.
Click here to meet the Instructors

With over 25 years of experience, Sierra Rescue is committed to providing quality rescue instruction.
Our Expertise
Sierra Rescue was founded in order to offer quality professional courses for a multitude of individuals. We specialize in matching the best rescue class and first aid training for each groups specific needs. We are flexible with matching your need with the appropriate curriculum and love the challenge of matching you with a class that is perfect for the environment and activities that you do. Sierra Rescue matches you with the skills and the certification that you and your organization need. Our independent contractors also travel to your site or pick a site near you that would be appropriate.
We have over 28 years of experience as front country and wilderness EMTs, wild-land and structure fire fighters, river guides, climbing and mountaineering guides, instructors in outdoor leadership, members of search and rescue teams. With our diverse background and our 15 years of teaching experience we strive to offer you the best and most fun course for your time and money. Check out the instructor page to learn more about the inspiring rescue professionals that subcontract for us!
Sierra Rescue & ACA, California State Fire Marshall and Rescue 3 International
Sierra Rescue instructors are also instructors for other companies. If you would the prefer to get certified by American Canoe Association (ACA), California State Fire Marshall (CSFM), or Rescue 3 International (RQ3), please let the office know before you book the course. We will make sure you get into the right course for you and your group!!
Our Locations
Sierra Rescue and our independent contractors utilize different training sites for different rescue classes. We have excellent Swiftwater Rescue Training Sites, Technical Ropes Rescue training walls, classroom locations and wilderness first aid training sites. We regularly teach classes in Coloma, CA on the South Fork of the American, Upper Salt River near Globe, AZ, Stanislaus River near Knight’s Ferry, CA and many other popular California destinations. Our water and rope rescue sites are throughout California and select locations in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Utah. We can also use your own location as a site and build a course that best uses the resources in your area. For training site directions and information, check out the registration page and downloadable PDF files.
Our Partners
Sierra Rescue is proud to partner with the following companies to offer the River Rescue Certification:
Wet Planet Whitewater Center: Oregon and Washington
Oregon Rescue: Oregon
Black Fox Rescue Institute: Wyoming
Montana Rescue: Montana
Cascade Raft & Kayak: Idaho and Chile
Cascada Aventura: Chile
Esprit Whitewater: Mexico, Costa Rica and Eastern Canada
Raven Rescue: Canada
Kern River Outfitters (KRO): California